T-Shirt Trends For Men


For those who care about fashion and for those who don’t, T-shirts have always been an essential garment in men’s wardrobes. In T-shirt production which is the term in Thai), some basic models will always be present, but year after year, new ways of wearing them appear or just old fashion styles are recycled. In Personalized T-shirts we want you to be up to date with the trends of men’s t-shirts, taking advantage of the fact that quite warm months are coming and this wholesale tshirts option can add a bit of freshness.

A Matter Of Colours

Surely in any man’s wardrobe, we will find three basic shirts in white, black and grey. These garments seem eternal and how not to be if they bail out at any time. Not only do they look good for an informal look, but well combined, they will also achieve a chic casual style.

This year will not be the exception for them, so if you have them do not discard them. However, it’s worth taking a chance to sport other men’s t-shirt trend, which are parading the streets every day and perhaps you haven’t even noticed them yet. Pastels and acids such as greens and oranges are gaining ground on these basic colours. Combine them with brown, vanilla and bone colours in the rest of the pieces.

Another colour that is not far behind is blue, from its lightest shade to the darkest.

Current Prints

Another trend that continues is the patterns of different types on the shirts. In previous seasons we saw how the harpsichords or the big letters made their way in men’s fashion. This time we will find drawings in the Baroque style, which were already being used last year and we will continue to see them for a while.

But we will also have other styles such as the “stained” shirts that seem to be splashed with paint, and we will also see many religious images printed on this type of garment. Other very striking proposals include tropical and oriental-style designs.

Oversize Look

Among the trends of men’s shirts we find the oversize that are characterized by having a longer cut than normal. A style that was always created to be worn outside the pants and is widespread, especially among the youngest.

In addition to being worn on T-shirts, they are also seen a lot of shirts. To make them look better and accentuate the look you want to show, it is preferable to wear them with Slim pants. By dressing them together with other wide pieces, the combination can result in a fashion disaster.

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